Evaluation Criteria

Your ideas will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Creativity – how unique and innovative is the idea? the originality and innovativeness of the idea, showcasing unique and novel approaches​
  • Market attractiveness – is it interesting for voestalpine to enter the market? Attractive market size and market maturity
  • Elaboration of the idea – how detailed is the idea described? Detailed idea with all the necessary information
  • Relevance – is it an idea that fits the area of interest of voestalpine?
  • Feasibility – is the implementation technically feasible? the practicality of implementing the idea, considering current resources and constraints
  • WOW effect – are you flashed by the idea? the ability of the idea to captivate and impress both customers and stakeholders
  • Strategic fit (coaches only) – does the idea align with the company´s strategy? the alignment of the idea with voestalpine´s strategic goals and long-term vision


Note: in general, the five stars marks the best and one star the lowest rating.